2020 & The Human War

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2020. Nobody saw this coming. We went about our days planning events, parties, gatherings and vacations, we dreamed far beyond our imaginations and our means and then one day……it was all gone.

A pandemic that stopped the world in a blink of an eye caused us to realize that it doesn’t matter where your standing is in life, we all stand side by side. In these tough economic times the one person that our country should have been able to count on failed miserably while other leaders, including some world leaders, took a que from this fascist/authoritative government that is the United States. When government and science can’t find a common ground the human toll is beyond belief. What we have witnessed this year alone, because we’ve had to deal with it for a while, is the most narcissistic, childish and outright psychotic behavior of a man who calls himself the President of the United States. So many have suffered in unexplainable ways and are still suffering now. We’ve lost a lot of people in this country and those who have survived are continuing to pay the price for what has been dubbed COVID19. Lies, conspiracy theories, politicalizations and out and out hatred for stopping this virus were putting a stop to preventing more people from dying. And yet, here we are still battling, still trying to stay alive while the world around us has been on fire with flames that refuse to be put out. It’s been a long hard road for those of us who are doing our part trying to stay safe and keep others safe around us all while trying to navigate the sea of uncertainties mixed with violence.

I have had my share of ups and downs hoping beyond hope that everything will just snap back into place like a Lego set. I’ll admit, I’ve been through a lot in my life but this was a different kind of hell. I feel bad for saying this because so many of us lost parents, grandparents, other family members and friends. Wives lost husbands and husbands lost wives to go at alone on a journey they thought would be with a partner they love. People that they will never get to spend time with again on this earth. I think to myself, is it selfish to feel the way that I do? I didn’t want to make my dealing with the pandemic be all about me so I made myself available to any of my friends and people who I am close with, who may need me. In one of my jobs I helped to distribute masks to leaders in political office and community non profits so that they can disseminate them to the public. I tried to get involved with the ever growing phenomenon of food banks in New York City to help feed families and individuals so that they are not living in a food desert because of their economic circumstance. I began to listen to leaders who make sense and truly from their hearts care about the people of this city. When NY Governor Andrew Cuomo started his daily briefings I created a hashtag #coffeewithcuomo so that I can feel like I was a part of the solution. Don’t worry that hashtag didn’t catch on, lol. But these were the things that helped to keep me as sane as possible. As the Executive Director of BeaSister2aSister, it was challenging for me to do the work that I do because so many things had come to standstill. I am a woman of action so just having meeting after meeting, zoom call after zoom call became frustrating because I know that was not going to help women and girls who are now at a standstill, who have probably lost jobs that were helping them sustain themselves and have now been routed back into the shelter system. It was heartbreaking. But I learned that some things are not always what they seem.

Woman and girls who have survived the unthinkable are resilient, strong and capable. They understand the situation and are willing to do what it takes to get back up again and move forward. It’s something where a lot of us were able to do until the age of COVID 19. Why can’t we get back up? Maybe it’s because we fear failure and wonder if we will ever rise again? Or is it the lack of support by government, friends and family who we think will not see our way of moving on? It is true, this country is divided, families are not trustworthy or a safety net anymore but the good news is the tide is changing. New hope has come in the form of a new President and Vice President who is a woman of color and ready to take this on and work to heal the nation. It will be a difficult road to undo a lot of what has been done but it CAN be done and that’s something to celebrate. Conspiracy theories aside, science will be an integral part to the way forward to ending this pandemic. Everyone has their difficulties and challenges but if you are here, you are blessed. Make the most of what you have, love the people close to you and never take anything for granted, even the small stuff.

It has been a while since I have blogged and honestly I’m not sure how many followers I have left but I will rebuild. I will rebuild and get back what I have lost during this pandemic and so will you. This is not the end, it’s a new beginning, a fresh start. Take the time to shape ideas, put things into motion and get ready for the new chapter. If survivors can do it, so can we.

And together, we will rise.

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Women And Revolution is a blog designed to raise the issues that are affecting women all over the world while giving it journalistic value. W.A.R is a division of BeaSister2aSister a 501(c)3 non profit that helps survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence, exploitation and abuse break the cycle of inter-dependency and become self sustainable. if you would like to learn more you can visit our website at http://www.beasister2asister.org or you can email us at info@beasister2asister.org. If you are interested in seeing women and girls everywhere break free from inter-dependency, please consider donating online as a one time or sustainable donor. We are committed to seeing every woman walk in total freedom. 

We are starting a podcast!!! Global Sisters is coming soon and we will be talking about issues that affect women & men all across the globe. Stay tuned!


“Being Accountable For Every Woman Around The Globe.”

Samantha Inesta-Human Rights Fellow

Founder/Executive Director BeaSister2aSister

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